Monday 16 March 2009

Quis custodiet ipsos custodies?

I loved Watchmen, to say the least. And that's all I need to say. I'm not in the frame of mind to go deeper.

I'm really struggling knowing what to say, I don't know. I'm really low.

Painted something today. It's really pretty until you look deeper.

I feel ... fragile. So fragile. Like if you pushed too hard on my outer shell, it'd literally shatter.
But those pieces would get up and slash you to pieces.
So it's all good?

and then?

And everything is gone and everything turns to dust, golden in the fresh new sunlight that's come to illuminate and bring home the urgency.

:/ oral exams :/
I despise them, and they literally have just said to us;
"orals. hand in your presentations next lesson."

Like... WHAT ON EARTH? what presentations? how do I do it? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
I don't know anything about half the topics in each subject.
I don't know how to talk about the others.

And I'm also hating history.
The others are so aloof; I make a dick of myself every lesson, I don't understand it. I'm struggling.

But I got a B in my january Media module; and I passed my first aid :)

None of you understand. I'm not locked up in here with you. You're locked up in here with me
I think that says it all really.

I'm off to have a chat, and think of music.



Oh; and church? excommunicating the doctors and mother of a nine year old who was raped and impregnated by her stepfather because they allowed her to abort the babies who would probably have killed her?
Just plain fucking wrong and ignorant.
Who's watching you?

Wednesday 11 March 2009


Perhaps my greatest skill.


I had a major high earlier; for no apparent reason, I was just skipping around all happy and not long after, I was exhauuusted.

I have a stupid bruise on my hand; a stupid swollen bite on my wrist, and a swollen face from the thing on my nose that could be another bite.

I can't be bothered anymore; I really can't.
I have no motivation. I have an essay due in first lesson tomorrow which I haven't looked at.
Why did Mussolini become prime minister in 1922?
Gee golly jeepers, I don't know. Was it the damned pixies again? Or chlorophyll? That was my favourite answer back in biology days.
I'm so itching to crack out my sarcastic, "I really don't give a crap" answers; but as one of the two year 13s in a year 12 class... where the year 12s are terrifying... I don't think I have the cojones. They wouldn't get my humour. People rarely do :)

I have a couple of stuuuupid girls trying to bother me but I don't care :) Maybe I can sabotage their first aid assessment tomorrow.
How do you do the recovery position again? :/

Au revoiiir.
